Gulf for Good
United Arab Emirates

عن الحملة


In partnership with Gulf for Good and in support of Tibetan Children’s Villages, Ladakh, India support our Boxing for Good Campaign.

In the lead up to the Spartans White Collar Boxing event on Saturday 26th November, 18 White Collar boxers will be training rigorously for 10 weeks for their place in the ring. Please support them and our cause to raise funds for the Tibetan Children’s Villages.


Tibetan Children’s Villages is an integrated community in exile for the care and education of orphans, destitute and refugee children from Tibet.

This campaign will support Tibetan Children's Village, Ladakh. We will be aiming to renovate 18 family homes including installing kitchens, electricity and renovating 4 hostels for teenage students along with the communal kitchen and eating area.

At present children in the village cook on the floor and study on their beds. This project will benefit more than 1,561 students currently under the charity’s care, 500 students under our further study programme and 300 senior citizens, in addition to providing better resources to deal with the severe winter weather conditions.

The main kitchen of SOS TCV Ladakh was built initially in 1980’s. It is currently serving food to more than 1700 children and staff members at the main campus. However, due to the decrease in the number of children and the change in policy of SOS TCV having a separate kitchen at each SOS family home, strength to serve food from this kitchen is now downsized to 300 people during the normal days and 1700 or more during the important days. Likewise, there is a separate kitchen for every home having 20 children and one foster mother.


Donations to this campaign will go towards supporting this project and, together, change the lives of the children and families at Tibetan Children’s Villages.

Gulf for Good, is a not-for-profit charity, whose purpose is to change the lives of underprivileged children around the world.

The breakdown of how donations are distributed are as follows:

- 75% of funds raised go to Tibetan Children’s Villages

- 15% of funds raised go to Gulf for Good (not-for-profit in the UAE and registered UK charity) for their sustainability

- 10% of funds raised go to International Humanitarian City for their emergency response work

To learn more about Gulf for Good and what we do click on the link: Gulf for Good

آخر المستجدات

Gulf for Good
United Arab Emirates

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 18,842.71AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 38%
هدف الحملة 50,000.00AED

تم الإنشاء Aug 24, 2022

There is no time anymore

أعطِ ابتسامة