Cassette by ATS

Surge for Water
United Arab Emirates


Cassette is a touch of nostalgia to our present.

While designing "Cassette" our aim was to craft a special design for the Surge family on their 10th anniversary -- inspired by this year's theme "Design Through the Decades"

We took a trip down memory lane with an exciting retro theme, we traveled thousands of miles to Egypt to secure a personal collection of cassettes and we breathed new life into them!

Design Team: ATS

Build Partner: Seekers Furnishings

Size: 1125 x 900 x 450 mm

Funds raised from this sale will go towards Surge for Water's holistic, transformative work to bring safe water, sanitation & hygiene solutions to global communities most in need. Learn more:

Delivery is only possible in the UAE.


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Surge for Water
United Arab Emirates

تم الإنشاء Nov 16, 2023

السعر الأدنى - 1,500.00AED

أعلى مزاودة - No Previous Bid, Place Your First Bid

أعطِ ابتسامة
رقم تصريح جمع التبرعات. PRHCE-003272994

المزاودات السابقة