Donate to Support GSN

Global Sustainability Network
United Kingdom

عن الحملة


Join us in celebrating the birthday of Raza Jafar, one of the visionary founders of the Global Sustainability Network (GSN). Raza's commitment to global sustainability, social justice, and the pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been unwavering. As a true advocate for change, Raza's birthday is an opportunity to come together and support the organization he helped create.

About the Global Sustainability Network (GSN):

The Global Sustainability Network (GSN) is a unique network organization comprised of key representatives from various faith-based communities, the business sector, academia, and civil society. GSN's journey began in 2015 when it united over 1000 individuals and organizations with a shared mission: to bolster the collective efforts toward achieving SDG Goal 8, with a specific emphasis on SDG 8.7, which seeks to end forced labor, modern slavery, and human trafficking. Today, GSN stands as a registered UK-based Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO).

GSN's unwavering dedication to its mission has not gone unnoticed. The organization has received accolades, including the prestigious David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award, and has been featured on CNN Freedom Project for its outstanding contributions to creating a more sustainable and just world.

Your support will help GSN continue its vital work, building on the success of its past endeavors and reaching even greater heights.

آخر المستجدات

Global Sustainability Network
United Kingdom

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 0.00AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 0%
هدف الحملة 100,000.00AED

تم الإنشاء Oct 11, 2023

There is no time anymore

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