Drawing to release the heart of a child - phase 4 of our art therapy programme in Lebanon

The Red Pencil (International)
United Arab Emirates

عن الحملة

The Red Pencil (International) is an international humanitarian organization that brings the healing power of creative arts therapy to children, adults, families and communities who have been through overwhelming life circumstances for which they may have no words. At The Red Pencil, we are dedicated to the resilience and long term recovery of the most vulnerable from all walks of life, to allow them to grow and become healthy and happy human beings for the world of tomorrow.

The Red Pencil is preparing the implementation of the fourth phase of a successful programme in Lebanon. The purpose is to continue delivering a sustainable online arts therapy programme which has evolved towards a systemic approach by taking care of a child’s whole environment.  It targets children hospitalized for long-term or life-threatening diseases in 6 hospitals located in Beirut and Byblos but also their siblings, their parents and MySchoolPulse teachers taking care of them.

To this end, the Red Pencil will partner for the fourth time with Myschoolpulse (MSP), an educational charity providing tutoring and emotional support to children diagnosed with long-term and life-threatening illnesses. The association has been operating under Lebanese Ministry of Interior since 29th June 2010, as a non-profit organization whose primary aim is to provide these children with the opportunity to continue their school education and engage in certain extracurricular activities while undergoing treatment. MSP works with around 100 children a year, aged between 4 and 18 years, who are under treatment from the 6 main hospitals in Beirut and Byblos.

Your donation will help us provide*:

  • 10 weekly one-hour art therapy sessions to approximately 35 hospitalized children in groups of 5 (aged 4-18 years)
  • 10 weekly one-hour art therapy sessions  to approximately 15 siblings of hospitalized children in groups of 5 (aged 4-18 years)
  • 10 weekly two-hour art therapy sessions to 6 parents of hospitalized children in a group
  • 5 two-hour AT refresher sessions to the teachers working with hospitalized children (approximately 10 people).

* The project overall estimated budget is 79 500 AED.

The sessions will be delivered by professional art therapists under the guidance of a professional art therapy supervisor.

Check out what participant mothers told about phase 3 of this programme: https://fb.watch/rsz1V1MS3S/ 

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for helping us to bring the benefits of art therapy to those who need it most. It would mean even more to us if you could kindly forward this fundraising page to your family, friends, loved ones and encourage them to share it with as many people as possible.

آخر المستجدات

The Red Pencil (International)
United Arab Emirates

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 0.00AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 0%
هدف الحملة 10,000.00AED

تم الإنشاء Apr 15, 2024

There is no time anymore

أعطِ ابتسامة
