WHERE WILL YOU BE ON 16 December 2023?
I will be working my way around 42km of Abu Dhabi tarmac, raising awareness and money for Al Jalila Foundation – including the Little Wings Foundation (www.thelittlewingsfoundation.org) which provides medical assistance to children who have musculoskeletal deformities; and Heroes of Hope (https://heroesofhopeuae.com) which develops and supports the sporting, social and interpersonal skills for people of determination.
When: 16 Dec
Distance: 42km
Where: Abu Dhabi
Average temperature: 20 degrees Celsius
Running outfit: you decide by how much you sponsorship is raised!
AED 5,000 – I will wear gorilla hands (Achieved)
AED 15,000 – I will wear gorilla hands and head
AED 35,000 – I will wear gorilla hands, head and full body outfit
Every contribution makes a difference, plus support on the day – 16 December 2023! Please share the fund-raising link
Information on all their charitable causes www.aljalilafoundation.ae
51 الأيام المتبقية
Well done Angus!
Well done !!
Very well done an excellent result. Put the Gorilla away !
Small contribution for a great cause. Wanted to be part of it someway, being away from Abu dhabi.
Well Done Angus
Good luck
Good luck
Good luck on race day!
Go Go Angus the Gorilla
Good Luck 😃
Good luck mate!
All the best! From the Wright family in London
Good luck Angus!
Good luck
All the best!
All the best Angus for your run! And great to see your continued efforts for the Nobel cause!
Good luck and good run. Thank you for all you are doing
Best of luck 👍
Good luck Angus! I'll be there to cheer you on
Go for it Angus. Do share the pics wearing full suit.God bless!
Good luck Angus from the Armstrong family 👍🏼