Quiz Bowl Shenanigans - Operation Smile School Club - ["INACTIVE"]

United Arab Emirates

عن الحملة

Join in and take a chance in our Quiz bowl shenanigans!

Quizzes will be held each week throughout November on various topics, such as famous movies, general knowledge, interesting facts and so much more. Take a shot at seeing how well you do and look forward to a finale at the end of November, with a quiz compiling all the genres and themes.

Our goal is to raise awareness on cleft conditions and to raise 900 AED, as it costs approximately 880 AED to provide another cleft patient with surgery and a whole new smile. Gain knowledge on multiple topics while helping change someone’s life forever. Join in, and as always, remember to have fun! ? 


Operation Smile CIA school club has hosted several online events during this pandemic, to raise awareness for operation smile. 

 Click here for all our links!

Help us reach our goal- raise funds for cleft surgeries and change children's lives forever! It only takes about 880 DHS to provide a cleft surgery with the help of Operation Smile, so why not be part of the change?

آخر المستجدات

United Arab Emirates

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 60.00AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 7%
هدف الحملة 900.00AED

تم الإنشاء Oct 29, 2021

There is no time anymore

أعطِ ابتسامة
رقم تصريح جمع التبرعات. 4527

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous
