Warp for smile - ["INACTIVE"]

Team Venezuela - Operation Smile
United Arab Emirates

عن الحملة

Warp for smile is a campaign that aims to spread awareness as well as raise funds for Operation Smile, which is a Non-profit Organisation that helps provide free surgeries for people with cleft deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palates. 

Our main target audience would be teenagers to young adults who are actively involved in both Instagram and TikTok. This challenge gives them a chance to take a break from their monotonous lives allowing them to get groovy and have a fun time!

Every week a new challenge will be uploaded on the official Team Venezuela Instagram & TikTok account. Which are 4 new videos in total for our whole campaign.

*Warp comes from the name of the filter which will be used on our TikTok challenges. This filter features a blue line that moves up and down the screen or (in any direction that you choose), it takes a snapshot once the line moves by which is sort of the same as taking a panoramic photo in your camera. 


- The team members and our Instagram followers recreate the video and post them on their TikTok accounts.  

- Whoever recreates the TikTok can nominate their friends also to do the challenge

- In this way, they can nominate their friends and keep the chain growing!

- Everyone uses the hashtag #smilewarp OR #smilezuela to keep the trend going.

After everyone makes their TikToks, they can send it to Team Venezuela’s official Instagram page where we share it and request everyone to donate!


Yallagive link will be put up on our Instagram and Tiktok pages

Advertising and spreading awareness will be done through team member’s individual Instagram pages, Team Venezuela’s official Instagram account and Tiktok account.


Instagram account: @osmilewarp 

TikTok account: @osmilewarp

آخر المستجدات

Team Venezuela - Operation Smile
United Arab Emirates

Fundraising for - The Student Programs Fund of
المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 2,100.00AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 42%
هدف الحملة 5,000.00AED

تم الإنشاء Dec 20, 2020

There is no time anymore

أعطِ ابتسامة
رقم تصريح جمع التبرعات. 4527

  • Sunaina Nanda


    Go Team Venezuela!!

  • Tojo Thomas


    Go Angie!

  • Tinu Thomas


  • Toji Thomas


  • Jayden Toji


    Small contribution towards a smile in the making

  • Manaal Saleel


  • Priya Tiju Thomas
