Complete an Almost Finished House for Mother of 7

Ifraj Foundation
Tanzania, United Republic of

عن الحملة

Fikri, a mother of 7 and baker, has managed to build a house for her and her family in Micheweni, Pemba. 

She needs support to finish the construction, as seen in the photo.

Help us complete the house and ensure a healthy and safe environment for her and her children. 

آخر المستجدات

Ifraj Foundation
Tanzania, United Republic of

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 0.00AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 0%
هدف الحملة 30,000.00AED

تم الإنشاء Feb 29, 2020

There is no time anymore

أعطِ ابتسامة