URGENT: Build a Safe Home for Orphaned Family of 7

Ifraj Foundation
Tanzania, United Republic of

عن الحملة

Seven children, pictured in the photo, lost both their parents and are under the guardianship of their aunt, Bahati, who also looks after her own eight children as well.

Acting mother of 14 children, Bahati cannot ensure the wellbeing of each and every one of them.

Help us lend a hand and build a concrete three bedroom home with required amenities to ensure their safety. 

آخر المستجدات

Ifraj Foundation
Tanzania, United Republic of

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 39,000.00AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 100%
هدف الحملة 39,000.00AED

تم الإنشاء Feb 29, 2020

There is no time anymore

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