Maria DaviesRoberts

Maria DaviesRoberts

This year I decided to do something that would make a difference to people who need some support. In October I will be attempting to walk up Kilimanjaro.

This is so far out of my comfort zone that I’m almost meeting myself coming back.

But when I saw pictures of children walking 10k to school because they understand education is the way out of poverty, when I saw children being educated outside because there isn’t enough room inside the school, children who’s only want in life is to be able to go to school every day, I knew if I was able to do something I should. So here I am asking if you are able to, to donate, no matter how small the amount. It really is a case of every penny counts. I know things are super hard for everyone right now, and I massively appreciate everyone who has already donated and I understand and appreciate that there are some who cant. 

Contact information

Maria DaviesRoberts


Funds raised