Don't Give up on Bilal

Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon
United Arab Emirates


A bright, quiet smiley little boy walked the halls of CCCL with his blue tiny backpack that doesn't look so tiny on his petite body. Admitted at only one year old, Bilal suffers from glioma cancer - a brain tumor. Today, the two-year-old Bilal is still taking his treatment and visiting the center, but with the brightest smile of all.
"Why are you carrying a backpack? Isn't it summer vacation?"
Whether it's summer, spring, fall, or winter, Bilal cannot wait for school to start and to be old enough to attend.

"He loves watching his sister study and he is always repeating after her and learning new words," said his mother. Indeed, Bilal is always curious to learn new things, as he enjoys spending his time with concrete objects and naming them. “He is going to do great things in his life. He is going to be important!" The unique little Bilal warms our hearts with his sweet laugh and his enthusiastic personality! Bilal's treatments are of high cost, and as we know, we are suffering from medication scarcity.
You can help secure Bilal's medications and treatment costs by DONATING NOW. Help Us Not Say No to any child whose future depends on his presence. Help Bilal reach his dreams and always stand tall on his feet. Cancer doesn't wait!
Today, let’s make a difference in the life of 350 other patients like Bilal.
Donate to the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL), where kids with cancer from all over the region are offered free treatment, at no cost to their parents, and with an 80% average cure rate.

Children are admitted at CCCL from all over the region, without any kind of discrimination, and receive the latest treatment totally for free regardless their parents’ ability to pay.

Donation Brackets:
Contribution of your choice (if other than the below options)
تبرع مفتوح (في حال كان المبلغ مختلف عن الخيارات المتاحة في الأسفل)
10 AED - $3: Medical Supplies لوازم طبية
20 AED - $6: Blood Tests فحوص الدم والتحاليل
50 AED - $14: Chemotherapy Medication دواء خاص بالعلاج الكيميائي
100 AED - $28: Chest X-Ray صورة للصدر بالأشعة السينية
500 AED - $137: Medical Consultation for the First Day of Chemotherapy
استشارة طبية في اليوم الأول للعلاج الكيميائي
750 AED - $205: CT Scan Imaging تصوير بالأشعة المقطعيه
1,000 AED - $275: Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) one-night stay
كلفة قضاء ليلة في قسم العناية المركزة للأطفال

About the Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon
Inaugurated in 2002, the Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL) is a regional reference center pioneering in the treatment of kids with cancer, at no cost to their parents and with complete dependency on donations.
Till date, CCCL has treated over 5,000 children with cancer; the treatment of one child per year costing on average AED 200,000.

نبذة عن مركز سرطان الأطفال في لبنان
منذ افتتاحه عام 2002، وبفضل دعم الخيرين، عالج مركز سرطان الأطفال في لبنان أكثر من 5,000 طفل من كافة دول المنطقة وباعتماد كلي على التبرعات، بحيث تصل ميزانيته السنوية إلى الخمسة عشر مليون دولار. يهتمّ المركز بعلاج الأطفال دون سنّ الـ 18 سنة حيث يصل معدل نسبة الشفاء إلى ثمانين بالمئة.


Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon
United Arab Emirates

Raised : 348.16AED
Raised 0%
Goal : 100,000.00AED

Created Mar 09, 2023

There is no time anymore

Give a Smile.
