Healthcare Treatments for Orphans with Disabilities

ACT Foundation


If we take a look around us, there are still many children living not as lucky as us. Many of them have no parents, were born disabled, and even had to end up being abandoned in orphanages. Some of them even have to feel the pain incessantly; they were born orphaned and disabled at the same time. How miserable!

In Indonesia, there are around 7,000 orphanages, only 18% of those who receive attention from the government. The others are run by private owners which mostly survive with all the financial limitations, only expecting donations from donors who donate irregularly.

This misery is experienced by the children of the Ummul Mahmudatul Azhar Orphanage, a home-basis orphanage in East Java, Indonesia. This orphanage takes care of 62 children. Most of them are children with special needs, such as blindness, deafness, mute disability, mental retardation, physical disability, and multiple disabilities.

However, with all the limitations, the children always show a high willingness and awareness of education, learning Islamic knowledge, and sciences. The caretakers of the orphanage also taught them life-basic skills: eating, bathing, and washing their own clothes. So that later they become independent without burdening anyone.

Unfortunately, the noble goal of the Ummul Mahmudatul Azhar orphanage in helping care for and educate orphans and disabled children is constrained by the availability of funds, the orphanage is unable to meet the cost of healthcare treatments.

Their healthcare needs are so vital to them. Especially for some children with conditions that are still possible to recover, such as partially blind children, half-heard hearing, which requires regular intensive care. As well for the physical disabilities children, they need assistive devices to support their daily activities.

THE GOAL (how can you help)

For that reason, the Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Foundation invites you to relieve and bring joy to the orphans of the Ummul Mahmudatul Azhar Orphanage Indonesia from your kindness.

Your donation will be distributed in the form of the following healthcare aids and treatments:

- Cost for regular treatment and therapy

- Assistive devices for physical disabilities (crutches, wheelchairs, prostheses, and orthoses),

- Assistive devices for sensory disabilities (reglets, white sticks, glasses for low vision, hearing aids),

- Costs for daily nutritious food needs,

- Any surplus in the received donations will be allocated to the operational cost of the orphanage.

 Let’s donate now. Every little bit helps. Thank you so much!


ACT Foundation

Raised : 0AED
Raised 0%
Goal : 8,000.00AED

Created Mar 16, 2022

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