Dear Friends and Family,
As Luna’s first birthday approaches, we’ve been reflecting on how incredibly lucky she is to have a loving family, a safe home, and the healthcare she needs to grow and thrive. While we are so grateful for the joy Luna brings into our lives, we are also keenly aware that many children in our world are not as fortunate.
For this reason, we’ve decided to do something a little different this year to mark Luna’s special day. Instead of gifts, we are asking for your help in supporting children in need—children who are fighting for their health and survival, but lack access to the critical medical care that could save their lives.
We know that Luna is privileged, and she has everything she could possibly need. So, instead of material presents, we would be deeply grateful if you could make a donation to an organization that helps provide life-saving medical treatment to children who are struggling. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will directly impact those in desperate need of care and hope.
We believe that every child deserves a chance to grow up healthy, and your support in honor of Luna’s first birthday will help bring that chance to children who need it the most.
Thank you for considering this special request. Luna is fortunate, and with your kindness, we can help make sure that other children have the chance to experience the love and joy that she does.
With love and gratitude,
Luna, Rossana and Giuseppe
51 days left
Happy Birthday Luna 🥰
Happy Bday Little Luna 💝
Happy birthday Luna ❤️
Feliz cumpleaños lunaa! 🙏🥳
Happy birthday, Luna! 💜