My Challenge:
As you probably know, the Turkey/Syria earthquake has caused widespread devastation across these two nations. I will be raising money to help the people who are in need by doing a sponsored run. I will be running 5 kilometres, which is a challenge because I have never run as far as that competitively. I have only done 2.5km runs at the Police Academy before but now I have decided to up my game.
The Campaign:
Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) Authority, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC) and the Ministry of Community Development, is part of the UAE's efforts to stand by people plagued by the recent earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria by providing immediate humanitarian supplies.
The "Bridges of Giving" campaign, organised by the ERC in collaboration with charitable and humanitarian organisations in the UAE, calls on all facets of the UAE's society to support this voluntary effort to gather and mobilise humanitarian relief supplies in solidarity with the affected Syrian and Turkish families.
Individuals, companies and schools may now also create campaigns to fundraise and donate to this campaign.
Your support will help provide victims of the earthquake with the following:

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