Powered for The Community

Afrah Mohideen
United Arab Emirates


Who would have thought a year and a half later the trials of Covid are still with us?

It is a pandemic that has truly forced us to reflect and question what is important.

As we fast and sacrifice food and drink during the daylight hours, we are reminded of those who are less fortunate than us and are encouraged to be charitable. Ramadan is a month of giving and sharing, a time for generosity.

Therefore, together with my sisters, Nuha Mohideen and Safa Mohideen, we would like to encourage generosity during this holy month of Ramadan, in order to help our immediate community.

The last ten days of Ramadan holds the greatest significance and we have decided to collectively run/swim/cycle 200km during the coming days. We will be using our outdoor track facilities in and around our compound "District 1" to raise funds for the ‘UAE’s 100 million meals campaign’. 

Without a doubt, with the help of our generous friends and family we will be able to make a tremendous impact to those in need.

Your support will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Afrah Mohideen

Through your participation in this campaign, you will be part of the overall impact that the 100 Million Meals initiative aims to reach and touch the hearts of millions of needy people in more than 20 countries.

The Goals of the 100 Million Meals 

- To raise AED100 million to provide 100 million meals for disadvantaged individuals and families;

- To unite people from all over the world towards combating hunger and malnutrition;

- To actively contribute to achieving the second of the UN Sustainable Development Goals that aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition by 2030;

- To encourage the public to adopt a humanitarian cause, particularly fighting hunger;

- To foster the values of giving across all society segments and encourage the public to help people in need.

Through your participation in this campaign, you will be part of the overall impact that the 100 Million Meals initiative aims to reach and touch the hearts of millions of needy people in more than 20 countries.

The Goals of the 100 Million Meals 



Thank you for the overwhelming  support!   We have completed 100 km- collectively biking and running! Alhamdullilah-another 100 KM to go!   

Will update with photos next time!  Its been a little slow this year as we started the challenge later on in Ramdan so combining it with night prayers has been a little tough.  We are fortunate we can venture out quite late here in Dubai!  Its also been somewhat cooler for us too!   Take care and enjoy these few days of Ramadan for those who are fasting! Keep Safe!   Afrah, Nuha and Safa xxx


Dear All,

Thank you so much for taking the time to support us.

We finished the 200 km just after Eid!  Sorry for late update!

It was quite challenging towards the end as its becoming increasingly warmer here in Dubai. 

best wishes,

Afrah Mohideen, Nuha Mohideen, Safa Mohideen

Afrah Mohideen
United Arab Emirates

Fundraising for - Powered By The Community of
Raised : 14,970.00AED
Raised 299%
Goal : 5,000.00AED

Created May 05, 2021

There is no time anymore

Give a Smile.


  • Meharban Arora


    God bless all ??

  • Mafaz Mohideen


    Keep up the good work Girls

  • Safa-Serra Yesilhark


    Well done Real Gangs :)

  • Insaaf Mohideen


    Go girls!

  • Mohamed Dulfeker


    Keep up the good work .