"My father, mother, 3 brothers and sister lost their home"
With this sentence, the 40-year-old Pakistani Rigger greeted the Noor Dubai team as they conducted a screening campaign for eye diseases at a labor camp.
Muhammad Khan has been working as a rigger for 14 years in a construction company, his family of 6 lost their home in the devastating flood in Pakistan. Muhammad earns a monthly salary of just AED 1,247.
During his test, he was diagnosed to have Pterygium, an eye condition that requires surgery.
The cost of his surgery is AED 8,000, which he can’t afford. Muhammad needs his surgery to keep his job and help support his family during those difficult times. With your help, we can help Muhammad keep his job and continue helping his family.
"ابي و امي و اخوتي اخرجوا من المنزل بسبب الفيضانات"
هكذا بدا محمد خان حديثه و هو يشكي حالة للطبيب، محمد العامل الذي يبلغ من العمر 40 سنه يعمل في شركة بناء منذ 14 عاما و يتقاضى اجرا شهريا بلغ 1،247 درهما. كان المبلغ البسيط يكفيه و يكفي دعم اسرته في باكستان حتى إصابة مرض في العين قد يتسبب له بفقدان وظيفته التي تعتمد على النظر بشكل أساسي، و تعرض والديه و اخوته للفيضانات زاد من معاناة محمد الكثير.
محمد بحاجة ماسة لدعمكم لتوفي العلاج الجراحي لاستئصال لحمية نمت على قرنية عينه ، تبلغ تكلفة العملية 8،000 درهم ، ستساعده على الاحتفاظ بوظيفته.
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